My uncle chuck and my aunt Andrea came to Rexburg to visit us and my cousin Briana. They stayed with us and was a lot of fun. They taught us how to make home-made sushi.
Scott also made his roll:
I tried making one with crab and mango. My roll:
* * *
Rexburg is COLD!!!!!
Small decorations for Valentine's day:
A heart garland!
BYU-I campus during the winter:
Scott comes to pick me up from work at 4pm and it's already dark!!
Icicles on my windshield.
I think the -11 was Celsius and -5 was Fahrenheit.
But we still have fun. Played tennis with Scott for the first time.
I loooove tennis!
He prefers basketball.
We also went sledding at the Sand Dunes. -28 Celcius.
Made Tin Foil dinners with our friends Jordan and Haylie Roper.
We also love to play Headbandz with our friends.
BYU-I Gym time!
Some of my design work.. Unfinished.
Finding some pretty things at the Benson building at BYUI Campus.
A video of one of the events at the MC Crossroads at BYU-Idaho.
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